Note from Our CEO on Silicon Valley Bank

Hi there,

First, I want to state upfront that Payability is not impacted in any way by the events surrounding Silicon Valley Bank.

We understand that the news about Silicon Valley Bank has left many in the tech and eCommerce industries feeling concerned. As a provider of daily payouts for marketplace sellers, we recognize how important security and reliability are to small businesses and entrepreneurs—particularly eCommerce sellers.

Payability does not hold any cash within or have any relationship with Silicon Valley Bank. Neither Payability nor any of our banking partners expect to experience any interruption whatsoever related to this situation.

We remain in a strong position. In fact, we are standing by ready to support any seller struggling in the wake of these events who could benefit from daily working capital to grow their eCommerce business. 

We are committed to ensuring that our Amazon sellers business operations remain seamless—and we will continue to closely monitor anything that could affect those operations. If you have any concerns or questions, or if you have been directly impacted by this, please reach out to us at for guidance and support.

Best Regards,

Keith Smith
Co-Founder & CEO